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0203 982 8282
Out of hours emergencies
If your enquiry is a maintenance emergency, please contact our out of hours emergency team, using the following link:
If a contractor is called out unnecessarily and/or your problem is not a genuine emergency, you will be liable for the full associated costs of the call-out.
If the problem is not deemed to be an emergency, they may refuse to attend, to save you incurring a call out charge.
Please note, the out of hours contractors will not attend to fix an appliance outside of working hours or at weekends. As this is not deemed an emergency.
An ‘EMERGENCY’ is defined as a “sudden state of danger etc; condition needing immediate attention”. This can be further clarified as a danger to the property or occupants e.g. burst pipe, flood, fire or gas leak. Damage caused as a result of break-in, which would compromise the security of the property and contents, must be reported to the police and a crime reference number obtained. In the case of a household containing a terminally ill person(s), very elderly person(s) or infant(s) then a lack of hot water or heating may be considered an emergency.